Part 5
I wrote that Child and Parent ego states are developed during ages 0 to 5~7, when they start to socialise with the rest of the world, during pre-school, it is now the Adult ego (which emerged during the first 10 months after birth) state that starts to develop and it is from this ego state that alters the Parent and Child ego states during the course of their lives, as it starts to slowly understand the world. It does not necessarily mean that all that occurred prior to the 7 year mark can change, some can be switch off, but others no
The Adult ego state gets data from Parent and Child and alters the Parent and Child by understanding discrepancies in reality. For example the Child ego state of the emotion fear due to not wanting to touch the stove because there will be punishment from mum, but once the real motive is understood that the hot stove will cause 3rd degree burns, from mum or someone else explaining it (Adult to Adult transaction) and mum is just trying to protect, will override the old Child ego state (Fig. 4)
Ok then what about cults? That will be discussed in part 6 along with discrepancies.
Now that you understand how all 3 ego states are developed and watched the video on transactions (part 2) you have the tools on how to understand others, we can now start to address cults specifically. The video below may offend theists but it relates to jw's, think of the interactions that occur during witnessing/interacting with other jw's, and how they apply to this video. How we should deal with them will be explained in future.